3 March 2013

No Make Up Day --- Show your natural beauty.

No Make Up Day --- Show your natural beauty 

A whole day with out cosmetics!!??

Show yourself as nature intended and let your beauty shine out. Lick off that lip gloss, blow off the blusher and say 'sayonara' to your mascara.

I have to say I've not been out of the house without make up since I was a teenager! That was 20 years ago! Think of all the hours I would have saved, let alone the money! But saying that, my lippy is as much apart of me as my ears are. I know I'm not shallow and hadn't considered myself vain....But the idea of leaving the house with a naked face sends a shudder down my spine and puts a very large frown on my ageing brow....(Silly I know)

But any way.

So for one day, give up with me, (don't forget to post your photo here too) and spend the time you would have used for applying 'your face' on something else, a long steaming bubble bath, phone that friend you've been meaning to or  start a hobby and please use that cosmetic cash to donate to a good cause.

Find out more and Join free event here.



Shelter is the charity that is closest to my heart. If the hadn't helped me find a safe place to live, some 18 years ago!...Well, my life could have been so different.

I just want to raise them cash and lots of awareness. 

Shelter help to transform lives I admire them and am always eternally grateful.

Thank you!

2 March 2013

Beautiful scar.

If it wasn't for these beauties, I'd be a dead woman. Peritonitis, perforated bowel, major emergency surgery,some large and small bowel removal (it got all stuck together). You will just see a hole on my belly, that  scar is for the colostomy removal. There was a lot of healing in all this, months of dressing the large scar, which had keloid quite a lot and took to long time to heal.

But I love my scars, they are like little reminders of my life, I think of them the same way I think of my tattoos  usually get one on holiday or to mark a special event. I had an unusual buttery  tattoo to celebrate my life after surgery.

I can't tell you how different I am now. So much of me sort of woke up after death. Vibrancy  assertiveness, drive and determination I never knew I had. I do so much more in life than I ever did before surgery.

My son calls me 'the living Angel', I seem to touch peoples lives, want to touch people, enjoy helping others. So many people remember me these days, on the 20 minute walk to school sometimes I say 'hello' to 16 people! I disappeared into the back ground before. But I think people feel my zesty appreciation for life and want to be a part of it too.

Life is very precious..xx

The scars. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=89003&id=1352401513&l=af302f7154